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Order Information

Sales Information for Individuals:
  • Individuals may order directly from Liberty Fund by check, money order, or credit card. All orders must be prepaid.
  • All orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars.
  • We pay shipping.

    Sales Information for Booksellers and Libraries:
  • Please call our toll-number (800-955-8335) for discount and other order information.
  • All orders from outside the United States must be prepaid in U.S. dollars.
  • We pay shipping on prepaid orders.

    Please be sure to specify hardcover or paperback editions.
    Make checks payable to Liberty Fund, Inc.

  • Returns Policy:
  • Publisher's permission is required. Please call our customer service department (800-955-8335) for information.
  • NO returns are accepted in our office.
  • Returns are not accepted from individuals.
  • Returns should be shipped to:
    The Order Fulfillment Group
    8249 Zionsville Road
    Indianapolis, IN 46268
  • No returns accepted on orders from outside the U.S.

  • Other Information:
  • PROFESSORS: A desk copy of a Liberty Fund book is available to you after a course-adoption order for the specific title is received from your university bookstore. Please submit your request on official letterhead. Examination copies are not available.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • Liberty Fund guarantees the physical condition of all its books.
  • Books that are not yet published will be placed on back order and will be shipped as soon as they are available.
  • An announcement is mailed to all our book customers when a new book is available.

    We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover.

    Books back ordered on credit cards will be shipped if the card has not expired.

    Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

    Our mailing list is used solely for the convenience of our customers and is not rented or given to other organizations or companies.

    Liberty Fund books have been adopted for classroom use by 287 colleges and universities around the world.

    Order toll-free 800-955-8335,
    or FAX your order to 317-579-6060